MCA511 Web Technology MCA Question Bank : bbdnitm.ac.in

Name of the Institute : Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology & Management
Degree : MCA
Department : Computer Applications
Subject Code/Name : (MCA-511) Web Technology
Year : 3rd
Semester : 5th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : bbdnitm.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/bbdnitm.ac.in/3157-MCA-511-WebTechnology.pdf

BBDNITM Web Technology Question Paper


1. What do you mean by Growth of Web? Discuss the brief history of web?
2. How Internet come into existence? What’ are the benefits of Internet?
3 How do you set the goals or objectives for Web Sites?

Related : Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology & Management MCA113 Principles of Programming with C MCA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3147.html

4. How do you determine the scope of a Web Project?
5. How do you keep a project from getting out of scope?
6. How you can Leverage the Central Web Team’s Skills? How you as a Project Manager can improve skills of Cross-Functional team members?
7. What are clients looking for when they contact you?
8. Discuss Key Differences among Web, Advertising, and Software Project Management?
9. What skills do you need to produce Web Project? How you write a Project Mission Statement?
10. Discuss the role of Administrator in Web Team.


1. Create HTML Page for following features : Create an unordered list Create an ordered list Use various bullet styles Created nested lists Use the font tag in conjunction with lists Create definition lists Use graphics as bullets
2. Create a web page giving the following train details.
a) Train Name
b) Starting Place
c) Destination
d) Arrival and Departure time
e) Fare
Place a border for the table and use cell padding to present the cell data with clarity. Align the table in the center of the screen. Use a caption saying ‘Time Table and Fare List’.
3. Describe the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) with an example use the Font Attributes and Text Attributes in the example? Discuss term Entity in XML. Also different type of Entities.
4. Describe Attributes in XML .Also different types of attributes.
5. Describe elements in XML .Also different types of content of Elements.
6. What is a markup language and what is the relationship between XML, HTML, and SGML.
7. How and why XML was developed. typical applications of XML, with examples;
8 What are the benefits of using XML when compared to HTML? Where is XML better than HTML?
9. How to write and read XML documents. how XML structures documents?
10. How and where XML can be used? How to convert XML documents in XML (with a different DTD), HTML, and other formats?
11 Write the code in JavaScript to open a new window when a link on a page is clicked. The new window opened, is closed by placing a button on the window and writing JavaScript code on the OnClick event of the button
12. Create a Web page ,which accept user information and user comments on the web site to check if all the Text fields have being entered with data else display an alert.

Unit -III

1.Using JavaScript, validate an input-field that contains an e-mail address.
2. Using JavaScript, create a password type text box into your page and display the value of that box which will be entered by user.
3. Write the Java Script code using arrays to generate the current date in words in format Saturday, December 12, 2009.
4. Discuss the DOM (Document Object Model) in Java Script and also discuss the role of Event handling with proper example.
5. Write the code through proper example on following event :
i. OnBlur() event of a Textbox
ii. OnLoad() event of a Form
iii. OnReset() event of a Form
iv. OnSubmit() event of a Form
6. Explain features and importance of AJAX .
7. Create a JavaScript code block, which validate a username and password against hard coded values.
8. Write a short VBScript program that accepts a number from a user in Celsius and converts it to Fahrenheit.
9. What is the difference between function and procedure in VB Script.
10. Discuss all the ways of creating Arrays in VB Script.
11. Create a VBScript program that could be used as art of a logon script to create a menu item on the programs listing. Selection of this menu item should cause the telnet program to start and connect to machine1.department3.school5.edu.
12. Create a VBScript program that could be used as art of a logon script to create a desktop icon. Activating this icon should cause the calculator program to run. The script should also set the key combination SHIFT+ALT+4 as s shortcut to start the calculator.


1. Discuss the working of ASP with proper diagram, also briefly discuss all its Seven objects
2. Create an ASP page named DeleteAllCookies.asp. Write code that will delete all the cookies your Web site has created on the client’ computer. (Hint : Remember that cookies are deleted when they expire!)
3. Write an ASP code Using ADO to Connect to a database and Retrieve the Content of a Table.
4. Create Two ASP pages, a form creation Web Page and a form processing script. In first ASP page, user should be shown a form into which he/she can enter a desired maximum price. When the form is submitted, second page will list all the stocks in the table that cost strictly less than the price entered by the user.
5. Write short notes on the following :
(a) Session Object (b) Application (c) Global.asa
6 . How we create a Global.asa file in asp? Do I need to have a Global.asa even if I don’t need event handlers for OnStart and On End?
7. What are Cookies in ASP? How to read Cookies using the Request Object?
8. How many types of error can occur in a asp page? What advantages are there to creating a custom error Web Page compared to creating a custom page file?
9. Explain JSP Architecture with suitable diagram.
10. What is the difference between <jsp :include page = … > and <% AT include file = … >?.
11. What are implicit Objects available to the JSP Page?
12. Write a JSP that takes the user’s name and age from a form.
** Echo back the name and age along with a message stating the price of movie tickets.
** The price is determined by the age passed to the JSP.
** If the age is greater than 62, the movie ticket price is $7.00.
** If the user is less than 10 years old, the price is $5.00.
** For everyone else, the price is $9.50.


1. In how many ways we can retrieve the data in the result set of MySQL using PHP?
2. What is the difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array?
3. What are the differences between require and include, include_once and require_once?
4. What are the different tables present in MySQL, which type of table is generated when we are creating a table in the following syntax : create table employee (eno int(2),ename varchar(10)) ?
5. What are the differences between public, private, protected, static, transient, final and volatile?
6. What are the different types of errors in PHP?
7. How can we get the properties (size, type, width, height) of an image using PHP image functions?
8. What are the advantages of stored procedures, triggers, indexes?
9. How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
10. Discuss the features of Persistent Cookie? Why it used?
11. What information should be included when posting to the mailing list?
12. For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences.

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