bssve.in BSS Diploma In Dialysis Technology Question Paper : Bharat Sevak Samaj

Organisation : Bharat Sevak Samaj
Exam : BSS Diploma In Dialysis Technology
Document Type : Sample Paper
Subject : Dialysis Technology
Website : http://www.bssve.in/Exam-2015-Nov.asp
Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/25721-AHE025.pdf

BSS Diploma In Dialysis Technology Question Paper

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Related : Bharat Sevak Samaj BSS Diploma Cath Lab Technology Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/25706.html

** National Development Agency, Promoted By Government Of India
** Central Board Of Examinations
** Bss National Vocational Education Mission
** Ahe027-Bss Diploma In Echo Cardiography & Cardiac Technology


** 33 questions are there in total
** Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted
** During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully

Nephrology & Principles Of Dialysis – I

Subject Code : AHE025-09
TIME: 3 Hours
Marks: 100
I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) The end of the spinal cord which resembles a horse tail is called ——
2) Hospital acquired infection is known as————-
3) Antidote of heparin is——
4) An in fection occuring during antemicrobial treatement for another infection is —
5) Percepton percieved in the absence of external stimulus is known as —–
6) Name the functional and unit of kidney?
7) Define GFR.
8) Name one tubular function test.
9) Name the test which will help you to calculate renal plasma flow
10) what is the normal serum calcium level?

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Name any two conditions that leads to damage of renal tubules
2) Illustrate the contents of dialysate using a pie diagram
3) List the members involved in HD care team.
4) Oliguria
5) Drug
6) Disinfection
7) Write the formula to calculate renal failure ?
8) Mention any two conditions which will lead to CRF ?
9) Name any two conditions that leads to damage of renal tubules ?
10) Define convection ?

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Explain the structure of Nephron with a neat diagram.
2) Explain with a suitable illustration the action of positive and negative pressure in dialysis
3) Explain the structure of Nephron with a neat diagram ?
4) Compare and contrast the normal kidney function with dialysis ?
5) Write the formula to calculate creatinine clearance. Mention any one condition where creatinine clearance in decreased
6) Endocrine functions of kidney.
7) Write briefly about Respiratory alkalosis.
8) Counter current mechanism.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain in detail with suitable illustration the various scientific principle used in dialysis.
2) Explain in detail about the acid base status and how it can be managed in a dialysis patient
3) Explain in detail with suitable illustration the various scientific principle used in dialysis ?
4) Explain in detail about the acid base status and how it can be managed in a dialysis patient ?
5) Explain the history of Dialysis

Peritoneal & Recent Advance In Dialysis – II

Subject Code : AHE025-10
Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 X 10 = 10
1) Define Mass Transfer coefficient.
2) Name ay two ways to remove solutes that affect a dialyzer’ clearance.
3) Define ultrafiltration coefficient.
4) Name any two dietary sources rich in phosphorous
5) Name the buffer used in PD fluids.
6) Mention the concentration of potassium in PD fluids.
7) Optimally PD should not be initiated until how many days after catheter placement.
8) Name the parts of peritoneum.
9) Mention one method to assess the adequacy of peritoneal dialysis
10) Mention the concentration of Mg in PD fluid.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Name any two indication where catheters are used instead of AV fistula
2) Mention the two types of peritoneal dialysis regimen.
3) Write the equation to correct the creatinine levels in dialysate and serum
4) Write the formula to calculate intrapentoneal residual volume.
5) How will you diagnose early ultrafiltration failure
6) What is mass transfer area co-efficient.
7) Mention any two complications of peritoneal dialysis.
8) Mention any two advantage of peritoneal dialysis over hemodialysis
9) Types of PD catheters.
10) Name the blood vessels which supplies the peritoneum

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Predialysis assessment of catheter use
2) Write about urea kinetic modeling and pre and post dialysis BUN measurement
3) Calculation of transmemberane pressure
4) Write briefly about dialyzer reprocessing documents.
5) Explain briefly about peritoneal equilibration test.
6) Explain the importance of Kidney
7) Explain the role of Nurse for Dialysis Patient
8) write about Peritoneal

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain in detail the principles procedure follow up and complication of peritoneal dialysis.
2) Explain in detail the principle and procedure of hemodialysis
3) How is chronic kidney dieses treated? What are symptoms?
4) How will you advise to patients for care of their I.J.V. and femoral?
5) What’ll you take care for normal patient’s dialysis and positive patient’s dialysis?

Patient Care Management – II

Subject Code : AHE025-11
Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) What is short daily HHD?
2) Mention any two symptoms of High BUN?
3) What is HIPAA?
4) What is BRINE?
5) Expand the term BONENT?
6) Define reverse osmosis?
7) What are stents?
8) What is trendelenburg position
9) Name any one Vasoconstrictor
10) What is sieving co-efficient.

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) Mention any two function of PCT?
2) Name any two function of calcitriol
3) Mention any two causes for post renal causes of renalfailure?
4) Mention any two acute complications of chronic renal failure?
5) What is NHHD?
6) Mention two causes for hperkalamia
7) Mention two symptom of hyponatremia
8) Mention two causes for anemia in CRF patient
9) Mention the normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a normal healthy adult?
10) Mention the normal fasting and post prandial blood glucose level

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) What is your role in Anemia management in chronic renal failure
2) Laboratory assessment of glomerular function test
3) Write briefly about amyloidosis
4) Explain briefly about your role in electrolyte management in a dialysis patient
5) Explain how will you manage bleeding problem during dialysis.
6) What is E.S.R.D.?
7) What advice will you give to patients for healthy life?
8) How many options for C.R.F patients, when they knowing that their kidneys are not working?

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Explain in detail about nutritional management of a dialysis patients.
2) Explain the detail the various clinical and social aspects involved in the self management of patient who undergo dialysis.
3) What kidney do in our body?
4) What is heamodialysis does & adequacy?
5) What is the role of water treatment plant for dialysis?

Nephrology & Principles Of Dialysis – II

Subject Code : AHE025-02
Time : 3 Hours
Marks: 100
I. Fill In The Blanks : 1 x 10 = 10
1) The buffs used in hemodialysis is ……..
2) The constant proportion of the dialysate is ……………..
3) Solutes move across the semiperniable membrane in conjuction with water movement is ……….
4) First screening for HIV is ……..
5) What is the structural unit of kidney?
6) Name one tubular function test.
7) Define Microalbuminuria.
8) Normal reference range for serum calcium level?
9) Which was the first dialyzer to be produced in mass?
10) What is the normal GFR?

II. Define The Following : 2 x 10 = 20
1) infection
2) Mass transfer coefficient
3) Dialyate
4) What is isothionuria ? Mention one condition associated with isothionuria?
5) Write briefly about Respiratory alkalosis ?
6) Define osmolarity.
7) Two causes for secondary hyperparathyroidism.
8) Name any two conditions that leads to damage of renal tubules.
9) Define convection.
10) Define clearance.

III. Write Brief Answer For Any 5 Questions : 5 x 5 = 25
1) Write the formula to calculate creatinine clearance. Mention any one condition where creatinine clearance in decreased.
2) Write briefly about Respiratory alkalosis.
3) Cerebro spinal fluid
4) Types of defence mechanisam
5) Metabolic acidosis ?
6) Body buffers ?
7) Name any three factors which affect diffusion.
8) Explain the structure of Nephron with a neat diagram.

IV. Write Long Answer For Any 3 Questions : 15 x 3 = 45
1) Principles of dialysis
2) Principles of sterilization and precautions
3) Different ways of sterilization
4) Explain in detail the structure of Kidney with suitable illustration.
5) Explain in detail with suitable illustration the various scientific principle used in dialysis.

Categories: Medical
Tags: bssve.in
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