hss.iitb.ac.in PhD Entrance Examination Sociology & Pschology Question Paper : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Organization : Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Department : Humanities and Social Sciences
Exam : PhD Entrance Examination
Subject : Sociology & Pschology
Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper
Website : http://www.hss.iitb.ac.in/en/PhD_Sample_Question_Paper

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Pschology https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/23654-Pschology.pdf

IITB Ph.D Entrance Test Question Paper

** Ph.D Entrance Test in Sociology & Pschology Sample Question Paper
Maximum Marks : 100 Marks

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** Write your Roll no. and Name on the question paper and answer booklet.
** The exam consists of two parts. In Part I, you may answer any three questions.
** There is no negative marking in Part II. Part l is worth 60 marks and Part I] 40 marks.
** Return the question paper and the answer booklet to the examiner at the end of the examination.

Sociology Entrance Examination

Write an outline of a research proposal that you wish to take up for your Ph. D. work, setting out clearly the research problem, major objectives and methodology. (20 marks; Page Limit: 5 Pages)

Answer any two of the following : (2 x 15 marks; Page Limit: 4 Pages)
Write an essay on political power, ritual status, and religious values in contemporary lndia. in doing so comment on the perspective of Louis Dumont who argued that in india power is subordinated to ritual status, and the argument of Ambedkar about political power being subordinated to religious values.

Some sociologists have pointed out that theories of development can also be’applied to the study of the human impacts and responses to ‘natural‘ disasters. it is argued that structured inequalities of class, status, and pOWer, and problems ofrlsk, vulnerability, and marginalization are not unrelated to models and processes of development. Elaborate on this approach using an illustration of a recent ‘naturai‘ disaster

Emile Durkheim in his ‘Division of Labor in Society’ made the distinction betWeen mechanical and organic solidarity. Recently Durkheim‘s view has been challenged by some critical theorists who tend to confront Durkheim’s classical theory, conceiving the formation of solidarity as dialectical synthesis of both universalistic principles and particular emotional orientations.

Elaborate the main ideas of Durkheim’s thought on solidarity and examine the critique drawing on relevant literatures. Critically discuss the modes in which Judith Butler’s critique ofthe sex/gender distinction enables a rethink of feminist theory, in general, and contemporary women’s movement in India, in particular. ‘

Compare and contrast betWeen Michel Foucault‘s and Erving Goffman‘s ideas on total institutions like prisons and asyipms. What insight does this comparison give about their respective notions on power?

M N Srinivas argued that the distinction between sociology and anthropology loses relevance in non—Western contexts like that of India. What are the grounds on which he makes this argument and is the argument defensible?

Answer any five of the following : (5 x 10 marks; Page Limit: 2 pages)
a. The term ’eve—teasing’ trivializes the issue of sexual harassment
b. Can whistle blowers be called “saints of secular culture”? ,
c. Case Study Method Difference between purposive and convenience sampling
d. City as a strategic site for new form of citizenship and governance practices
e. Pierre Bourdieu’s notion of capital(s)
f. Politics of forgetting in urban space in lnclia
g. Relationship between caste, class and gender
h. Karl Marx on alienation
i. Max Weber’s typology of authority

Psychology Entrance Examination

Part – I :
1. Discuss Transformational and Transactional style of leadership? Which do you think plays a more important role in the success of an organization today and why?
2. Distinguish between person-job tit and person-organization it.

3. In the context of motivation theories discuss ways that organizations or institutions could boost productivity.
4. Health “a right’ or ‘a luxury’. Discuss with contemporary examples

5. Describe the stress response from a physiological, psychological & environmental perspective.
6. Describe some characteristics of the heuristics and biases people use while makingjudgments or reaching decisions?

7. Attempt any three of the following at”?
Stages ol’creativity
Memory disorders
Insight Problem solving

Part II :

1. For every ten boxes of biscuits that Ramu sells, the shopkeeper gives him Rs.10/-. Ramu is
being reinforced on what schedule?
a. fixed ratio
b. fixed interval
0. variable ratio
d. variable interval

2. Sohan noticed that whenever he used the electric can opener, his dog would come into the
kitchen and act hungry, drooling and barking. He reasoned that because he used the can opener
to open the dog’s food, the sound of the can opener had become a(n) ……………………….. ..
a. unconditioned stimulus
b. conditioned stimulus
c. unconditioned response
d. conditioned response

3. In creativity, incubation generally follows which stage?
a. preparation
b. illumination
c. verification
d. fixation

4. All of the following are symptoms of someone who had damage to the Wernike’s area excth
the inability to speak
the inability to comprehend
utter neologisms (novel words)
lesion or damage in an area of the left hemisphere as as

5. in which of Piaget’s stages would a child who has just developed object permanence, be?
a. sensorimotor
b. preoperational
c. concrete operational
d. formal operational

6. Knowing that the definition of psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes is an example of a
a. prototypical concept
b. formal concept
0. natural concept
d. mental image

7. The basic units of sound in language are called
a. morphemes
b. phonemes
c. semantics
d. syntax

8. Erikson’s stage of psychosocial development analogous to old age is
a. identity versus role
b. intimacy versus isolation
c. generativity versus stagnation
d. integrity versus despair

9. A reversible figure, such as the Necker cube, makes use of which principle of perception?
a. shape constancy
b. expectancy
c. depth perception
d. figure-ground relationships

10. A disturbance in the ability to speak, read or write is called
a. blindsight
b. aphasia
c. apraxia
d. spatial neglect

11. At times, highly pertinent messages, such as one’s name, can be heard on the unattended channel in a shadowing task. This supports ‘
a. feature integration theory
b. attenuation theory
c. early selection theory
d. prototype theory

12. Schema-guided construction of episodic memories that interpret, embellish, integrate and alter encoded memory representation is called
a. selective interpretation
b. autobiographical re coilection
c. reconstructive retrieval
d. assimilation

13. Dissociative amnesia is difierent from retrograde amnesia because
a. only memories of the past are lost in retrograde.
b. the ability to form new memories is lost in retrograde.
c. dissociative amnesia is caused by a physical blow to the head.
d. dissociative amnesia is caused by psychological trauma.

14. Which of the following is not an intelligence scale?
a) Stanford Binet
a) DAT

15. Sternberg’s model of intelligence provides three aspects of intelligence. These are:
a) Analytical, creative, practical
b) Convergent thinking, divergent thinking, memory
c) Units, Chunks, Relations
d) Ability, reasoning, Innovation

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