rtsexam.com RTSE Class III Question Paper 2017 : Rationalist Talent Search Exam

Organisation : Rationalist Talent Search Exam
Exam : Rationalist Talent Search Exam – RTSE
Document Type : Sample Question Paper
Class : III STD
Year : 2017
Website : http://rtsexam.com/student-help/
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RTSE III STD Question Paper :

Guidelines for the Candidate :
1. Check to make sure that you have received the appropriate answer sheet of your name and roll number.

Related : RTSE Class II Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/22430.html

2. You will get additional 30 minutes to check and make sure about the information about yourself on the Answer Sheet before the start of the exam.
3. This question booklet contains 100 questions each question carries 2 marks.

4. All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking.
5. Check to make sure that you have received the appropriate test booklet for your standard.
6. There is only one correct answer. Choose only one option for an answer.

7. To mark your choice of answers by darkening the circles in the Answer Sheet, use a Blue/Black Ball, Pen only.
Eg.Q. x : – Fill in the blanks.
My father went…………………………. To buy some milk.
a) there b) their c) They’re d) here
As the correct answer is option a) you must darken the circle corresponding Q. x
To option a) in the Answer Sheet

8. Return the Answer Sheet to the invigilator at the end of the exam.
9. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper too and take it home for future reference.

Questions :
1. Mark the word with the similar meaning Error
A) False B) True C) Grief D) Mistake
2. Tick the correct meaning for the word below. Victory
A) Win B) Lost C) Defeat D) None of these
3. Mark the plural of the word given below. STORY
A) Story B) Storys C) Stories D)None of these

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable option :
We are doing ____________________ work.
A) your B) His C) is D) our
5. Find the opposite meaning of the word written in capital letters. FORGET
A) Things B) Remember C) Support D) Bring
6. Find the synonyms of the word written in capital letters. CLOSE
A) Open B) Stop C) Down D) Shut

7. If singer is to singing then writer is to ____________________.
A) Reading B) Writing C) Running D) None of these
8. Find out the type of sentence given below. Please, tell me the truth
A) Request B) Exclamation C) Statement D) Command
9. Amit bought these three things. What was the total cost of these three items ? Rs. 40 Rs. 10 Rs. 5
A) Rs. 40 B) Rs.35 C) Rs. 30 D) Rs.55

10. 3 Days = ______________________ hours.
A) 72 hrs B) 24 hrs C) 120 hrs D) 40 hrs
11. How will you write 24 in Roman numeral?
12. 9000 ml = ________________ Liter.
A) 9 Liter B) 900 Liter C) 99 Liter D) 90 Liter

13. 12121 X 0 = ?
A) 12121 B) 1212 C) 0 D) 121
14. Which number is between 232 and 234?
A) 235 B) 236 C) 230 D) 233
15. Of what shape is the sun?
A) Square B) Circle C)Cone D) Triangular

16. Which of these is arranged in descending order?
A) 18,81,73,42 B) 72,63,61,52 C) 73,84,11,9 D) 52,41,27,28
17. How many tens are there in 400?
A) 0 B) 4 C) 40 D) 400

18. Find the next number in the given series :
55555, 4444, 333,_______________
A) 22 B) 2222 C) 222 D) 1111
19. Which fruit is liked by most kids?
A) Apple B) Mango C) Chickoo D) Banana

200. How many kids like apple?
A) 4 B) 400 C) 40 D) 20
21. Which two fruits liked by same number of kids?
A) Apple & Mango B) Mango & Banana C) Chickoo & Apple D) Chickoo & Banana

22. How many triangles are there in the figure below?
A) 3 B) 8 C) 4 D) 6
23. How many paise are there in Rs.5.50?
A) 550 B) 560 C) 570 D) 580

24. Select the figure which is wrong or different from the sequence that is followed select the correct option
25. Find the mirror image of the question figure from the answer figures. Select the correct answer.

Instruction – Observe the number series and answer the following questions 45 to 48
1 2 4 5 3 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 1
26. Which digit is repeated maximum times?
A) 1 B) 5 C) 3 D) 2
27. Which digit appears minimum times?
A) 2 B) 5 C) 1 D) 3

28. What is the total of all odd numbers?
A) 23 B) 25 C) 24 D) 22
29. How many even numbers are there?
A) 4 B) 6 C) 3 D) 5
30. The figure has _________________________ straight lines.
A) 9 B) 10 C) 11 D) 12

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Tags: rtsexam.com
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