kseeb.kar.nic.in JTS Elements of Engineering Model Question Paper 2017 : Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board

Organisation : Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board
Exam : JTS (Junior Technical Students)
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Category or Subject : Elements of Engineering
Year : 2017

Website : https://kseab.karnataka.gov.in/
Download Elements of Engineering Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11797-Elementsofengg.pdf

JTS Elements of Engineering Model Question Paper :

Code.No: 71
Time : 9-30 A.M. to 12-15 P.M.
Max. Marks : 50
General Instructions to the Candidate :
1. This Question Paper consists of 7 objective and subjective types of questions.

Related : KSEEB SSLC Mathematics Model Question Paper 2017 : www.pdfquestion.in/11775.html

2. This question paper has been sealed by reverse jacket. You have to cut on the right side to open the paper at the time of commencement of the examination. Check whether all the pages of the question paper are intact.

3. Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective types of questions.
4. Figures in the right hand margin indicate maximum marks.
5. The maximum time to answer the paper is given at the top of the question paper. It includes 15 minutes for reading the question paper.

Note : Answer questions from Sections A & B as per the instructions given under them.
Instruction : Answer Question No. 1 and any two full questions of the remaining.
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term selecting from the choices given in the brackets : 10 × 1 = 10
a) Charcoal is an example of ……………….. fuel.
( liquid, solid, gaseous )
b) Compression ratio of diesel engine may have a range of ……………….. .
( 8 to 10, 10 to 15, 16 to 20 )
c) Pelton wheel is the most commonly used turbine for …………………… head and small quantity of water.
( high, low, medium )
d) The function of the …………………… is to inject the high pressure diesel into the engine cylinder in the atomised form.
( spark plug, carburettor, injector )
e) Sprocket wheel is used in …………………. drive.
( belt, chain, gear )
f) Induced e.m.f. that always opposes the applied voltage is known as …………………….. .
( dynamically induced e.m.f., self induced e.m.f., mutually induced e.m.f. )
g) The value of form factor of an a.c. quantity is ………………………. .
( 1·11, 1·414, 0·707 )
h) The direction of induced e.m.f. can be found by …………………….. .
( Ampere rule, Fleming’s left hand rule, Fleming’s right hand rule )
i) An armature core of a d.c. machine is laminated to reduce ………………………. .
( resistance, reluctance, conductance )
j) The output rating of a transformer is ………………………. .
( K.V., K.W., K.V.A. )

2. a) What are boiler accessories ? 2
b) Write down the essential boiler mountings. 2
c) Sketch and describe the Cochran boiler. 6

3. a) How are the internal combustion engines classified ? 2
b) Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine. 2
c) With neat sketches explain the principle and working of four-stroke diesel engine. 6

4. a) Define a turbine. 2
b) Mention the uses of pumps. 2
c) Describe with a line diagram the working of a reciprocating pump. 6

Instruction : Answer any two full questions of the following.
5. a) Define dynamically induced e.m.f. 2
b) Draw a neat circuit diagram of shunt generator and explain briefly. 3
c) On what principle does the d.c. motor work ? Name the types of d.c. motors. 5

6. a) Write the symbolic diagrams of ammeter and wattmeter. 2
b) How the lamps are classified ? 3
c) With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of electric bread toaster. 5

7. a) Define stator and rotor. 2
b) Draw a neat sketch of alternator and label the parts. 4

c) Write short notes on any two of the following : 4
i) Conduit wiring system
ii) Step down transformer
iii) Counter e.m.f.

Subject : Elements Of Electronics Engineering
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate figure/word(s) by selecting from the choices given in the brackets : 10 × 1 = 10
i) An operational amplifier consumes …………………………… .
( high power, very high power, less power )

ii) Arsenic has a ………………………… .
( pentavalent impurity, tetravalent impurity, trivalent impurity )

iii) These elements are essentially required for the manufacture of transistor ………………………. .
( silicon and indium, silicon and sulphur, silicon and germanium )

iv) The safe inverse voltage is kept lower than that of an ordinary diode is called ………………………….. .
( Zener diode, PN junction diode, Light emitting diode )

v) A flip-flop is bistable electronic circuit which has …………………….. .
( 4 stable states, 3 stable states, 2 stable states )

vi) VLSI circuit has ………………………….. .
( less than 400 gates, more than 400 gates, 400 gates )

vii) Linear I.C. is also termed as ……………………….. .
( digital I.C., monolithic I.C., hybrid I.C. )

viii) The storage and transfer of a binary information in a digital system is done with the help of ………………………. .
( shift register, buffer register, register )

ix) The use of octal system has been replaced by ……………………….. .
( decimal system, binary system, hexadecimal system )

x) An input is applied to a NOT gate, an output will be ………………….. .
( zero, one, two )

2. a) Define semiconductor. 2
b) Explain P-type and N-type materials. 4
c) Draw neat circuit diagrams of PN junction diode on forward and reversed bias conditions. 4

3. a) What is a transistor ? 2
b) Mention the types of transistors and write their symbols. 4
c) List the applications of transistors. 4

4. a) Define amplifier. 2
b) How an amplifier circuits are classified on the basis of frequency ? 4
c) Draw a neat sketch of CRT and name the parts. 4

5. a) What do you mean by I.C. ? 2
b) Differentiate between discrete components circuit and integrated circuit. 4
c) Describe monolithic I.C. and hybrid I.C. 4

6. a) Define binary system. 2
b) Convert 1512 into binary system. 4

c) Convert the following into decimal numbers : 4
i) 10111
ii) 110000

7. a) What is a logic circuit ? 2
b) Name any four kinds of gates. 4
c) Explain the terms ‘register’ and ‘counter’. 4

8. a) Define flip-flop. 2
b) Draw a neat symbol of flip-flop and write its truth table. 4
c) List the main types of flip-flops. 4

9. a) What is a microprocessor ? 2
b) Give any two uses of 8085. 2

c) Write short notes on any two of the following : 6
i) OP-Amp
ii) LCD
iii) LED.

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