webservices.ignou.ac.in : Certificate Programme For Professional Development Of Primary Teachers Question Paper

Name of the University : IGNOU The People’s University
Department : Primary Education
Degree : Certificate Programme For Professional Development Of Primary Teachers (Cppdpt)
Subject Code/Name :BES-051 Contexts,Concerns And Value Education
Year : 2016
Document Type : Question Paper

Website : https://webservices.ignou.ac.in/Pre-Question/Question%20Paper%20June%202016/soe/soe.htm#soe1
Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
Contexts,Concerns : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESconcerns.pdf
Facilitating Teaching-Learning : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESteaching.pdf
Professionalism Among Teachers : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESprofessional.pdf
Pedagogy Of Languages : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESlanguages.pdf
Pedagogy Of Mathematics : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESmaths.pdf
Pedagogy Of Environmental Studies : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/11565-BESenviromental.pdf

Professional Development Of Primary Teachers Question Paper :

Contexts, Concerns And Value Education :
Time : 2 hours
Maximum Weightage : 70%
Note : All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal weightage.

Related :IGNOU Certificate Guidance Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/11562.html

1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Discuss the roles and responsibilities of teachers in the context of RTE Act, 2009. How will you ensure that the rights of children are protected in your class ?
Discuss various schemes of child right protection and role of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR).

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(a) Briefly explain the concept of inclusion in the context of primary education.
(b) Explain sensory motor disabilities among children with suitable examples.
(c) Discuss the steps involved in Individualised Educational Programme (IEP).
(d) Explain the concept and method of Differentiated Instruction (DI).
(e) Explain various phases of constructive lesson plan.
(f) As a teacher, how will you identify child right violation by their peers.

Facilitating Teaching-Learning And Assessment :
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words. :
a. Discuss various strategies which promote active learning in the classroom.
b. Discuss various determinants of Assessment.

2. Answer any four of the following question in about 150 word each :
a. Differentiate between assimilation and accommodation of new information with examples.
b. Peer interaction is the best way to share one’s own knowledge. Explain.
c. Discuss how you manage diverse children in your classrooms ?
d. What are the tools that you will use in your classroom for assessing children performance in Scholastic areas ?
e. Discuss the importance of mapping the progress of children with special needs.
f. Explain the meaning of Informal Reporting of the learner’s achievement ?

Developing Professionalism Among Teachers :
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Describe the process of reflection. Why should teachers reflect on their experiences ? Discuss.
Explain the importance of communication technology for life long learning.

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(a) Overcoming organisational barriers to change.
(b) Teacher as a change agent at the school level.
(c) Any four obligations that teachers have towards their students.
(d) Differences among teaching, counselling and guidance.
(e) Managing time.
(f) Methods of recording experiences and reflections on them.

3. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
Develop a proposal for undertaking action research on any one problem that you might have faced during teaching-learning in your class.

Pedagogy Of Languages :
1. Answer the following question in about 600 words :
How will you define the term ‘language’ ? Based on your definition, discuss the functions of language.
What do you understand by ‘cross-curricular approach to teaching – learning’ ? Give an example in the context of teaching English/ Hindi.

2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each :
(a) What is meant by ‘Listening for Comprehension ? Illustrate your answer with the help of an classroom activity.
(b) Discuss the parameters for testing the spoken ability.
(c) What do you understand by the term ‘reading skills’ ? List any two skills and sub-skills of reading comprehension at the primary level.

(d) What are the advantages of introducing grammar games in the classroom ?
(e) Why are communicative tasks used in developing writing skills ? Illustrate your answer with the help of a classroom activity.
(f) What are the different types of visual aids which can be used for developing vocabulary ?

3. Answer the following in about 600 words :
Discuss the relationship between language and society. Illustrate your answer in the context of a multilingual country such as India.


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